Tarot reading 5

Fifth in our weary way through the deck.

1. The Nine of Cups

My first thought is pints. Perhaps a drunken scene on a British street.

2. The Seven of Cups

Cornucopia. Plenty. Overflowing of goods and services.

3. The High Priestess

Nuns evoke repressed sexuality. “Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes away except God.” Saint Theresa of Avila. I stumbled upon a photo of her getting shot in the heart and there was nothing left to decide.

The read

Drunkenness ruins many men. Let it then! Let seven cups of heaven rain upon your breast. Let the nipple drip then into my mouth. And let St Theresa take the arrow!

Tarot reading 3

The third reading in the gesamtkomödiewerke draw.

1. The Three of Wands

Interestingly following yesterdays two of wands. To me it looks similar to the two of wands but further along a journey. I decided to largely base it on the Rider Waite deck but I enjoyed striking the wands at an angle.

2. Death

The mast card! Sein Zum Tode – being towards death. One of the big guns! Coffins. Skulls. Black. But I want it to be simple too. A black rose may be interesting. As a personal note it reminds me of dead family members. In particular two graves standing next to each other. I remembered in my school art class studying the body of Christ at an angle so decided to copy that image.

3. King of Swords

Phallus. The master signifier. There is much phallic imagery in the Tarot but surely we must use that here. I enjoy drawing the penis so will probably include it. Finally I thought a naked athletic man with a big penis and a sword fitted the title.

The read

A devastating set has been dealt. The present is the end. The end is the beginning. The past is the future. “The time is out of joint”. Death puzzles and confounds but also drives. The beautiful young man runs naked with his sword. Let the grasses be cut. Let the bodies shudder for the three are here.