On being a slightly fat man

Being a poem that is in no way autobiographical.

When the necessity to bathe rears its smelly head.
When the pants demand their weekly shed.
When all hope is dread,
The slightly fat man must wash and watch his disappointments unfold.

The water whets his willy’s desires,
And he is compelled to exercise his limbs asymmetrically.
His ugly scene as regularly seen as obscene,
As all his dreams gurgle down the shower’s throat.

The towel cuddles his brimming skin,
But can’t keep up his manifold chin.
Redemption lies beyond the checkout from Gateshead Travelodge.

Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental.


Stupid nonce

Swizzled in the swiller,
Brushelled with a buzzer,
Splish splashelled and bathed,
That’s the bloody shower over with!

And in a waze he filled his trouser,
With fleshy leggo pegs.
It took forth owls and still not done,
To be ready for the meeting.

Ten peeples peeped at powerpeep,
And of the frothy thquarters,
Superintendent Ben asked,
What is a krackerjangerang?

Jizzle jobble did bobble unbalanced,
Till tippled off it did,
Into the black, doleful void,
Oh shit.