I <3 T.S.
Je suis Ahmed
Je suis Ahmed
Je suis Charlie
Je suis Charlie
New song bout suicide out now
You Broke My Mind from Raph Shirley on Myspace.
Bedtime Story
Sweet dreams,
Album 2: Best Of out now
Second album. Collection of early live songs. On MySpace now. CD available for Christmas.
Best Of from Raph Shirley on Myspace.
Love xoxo
Raph Shirley ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Fuck it mate,
Acting masterclass
Yours truly,
100 jokes
A selection of jokes from the last 100 years.
Best yeah,
The First Sex
Little weblogvid’ about goin’ out to see my mate Chris Lighthouse.
The Raph Shirley CENSORED! Project (RSCP)
I have always been a great campaigner for CENSORED!. That is why I have decided to start producing it.
Yours faithfully,
In The Finest Literary Tradition (ITFLT) vid’
Fellowcentric Album Out Now
My debut album is hitting the shops today. Buy it here.
Here are the promo photos:
Figure 1. CD front cover.
Figure 2. CD booklet inside.
Figure 1. CD back.
The 6 physics undergraduates that you will find inconsistent with trite generalisations
We are all familiar with the popular opinion regarding traits in common to college physics majors! Let us take you through the six types that might not be in line with those ideas!
1. The Australian Feminist whose Mum is Dead.
You don’t know what I’m talking about! She spends the evenings doing unremarkable college activities but retains a minor sadness caused by the premature death of her mother in 2001.
2. The Socially Competent Bland Male.
You don’t know what we’re talking about! He will have a successful career in business and marries his studious approach to work with actually completely median social skills!
3. The Spanish Tall Underweight Football Loving Brunette Incompetent Bitter Rounded Good Egg.
4. The One Who You Fell In Love With.
Everybody? She is beautiful and walked into your world one spring evening on June 24 2012 in Hemel Hempstead, UK.
5. The Misogynist and/or Racist and/or Homophobic Representation.
This one gives you pleasure by containing implicit tendentious statements in the subtext. Eh unlad!
6. The Set of All Objects Outside Those Traditionally Associated with the Group in the Title.
This article was written by a Physics Major. Typical? Topical! Topology.
Song Ideas
Don’t know if this stuff is good enough to go on my first album. Think I might make them into B sides:
Experiments in Contemporary Comic Modes
In which I introduce a new theory of comic modes that I call the tendentious imperative.
Video 1. Experiments in Contemporary Comic Modes.
Figure 1. The tendentious imperative (a pornographic image in ink).
Song 1. Bonus Song.
All love,
I’ve Come to Dismantle Your Family in E blues
Hey Guys!
Great track for a Friday night guys!
Really pushing my guitar to the limit on this one. You’d never guess I recorded it on my phone with a 100 quid guitar!
Love xxx
Script meeting
– Hi, William! Sit down.
– Hi, how are you?
– Good. Good. Right. The script. The script! Wow. I love it.
– Oh great, I’m so glad to hear that.
– I love it. Not everyone does but that’s fine when your writing is this fresh. It’s gonna take a while. How do you feel about making a couple of changes? Just… to bring people on board. Like, for instance our questionnaires show people just don’t know what to make of this Hamlet guy. I mean, what a loser. I mean like why does he do all this stuff?
– I hear what you’re saying and I respect it but I do feel I would struggle to rework him without totally changing the character of the piece. I mean I’d have to change the title for a start.
– Ha yes. pause. About the title. My marketing report shows audiences find it a bit hammy to be frank. How about we go with something more kooky. The Great Danish Traj Fest of… no. I Am Dane? Timothy Hamlet’s Danish Nightmare?
– I hear what you’re saying.
An homage to Robbie Williams
best xxx