Transhumanism; a euphemism for eugenics

In the last five years there emerged a rather crass and quite transparent euphemism for creationism. Intelligent design didn’t fool anyone and simply highlighted its perpetretrators as devious as well as asinine. Is the same true of ‘transhumanism’.

The word eugenics is so irrevocably associated with nazi germany that it is easy to see why it is so little used. The question that has been bothering me concerns our motives for using the term transhumanism. It is legitimate to demand higher ethical standards than the first eugenicists but it is odious to propagate the lie that transhumanism is something different. Perhaps we should define transhumanism as ‘ethical eugenics’ and make our intentions clear. The World Transhumanist Association uses the word ethical prominently on the front page of their website. But perhaps there is a more significant difference between the scope of the two terms.

Transhumanism encompasses the human machine interface and the possibility for a complete revolution in how our consciousness is stored. In some ways it represents a more ambitious and potentially more dangerous project than eugenics. 

Was Nietzsche a transhumanist?

Alright. Come on, lets settle this once and for all. I think I am qualified to make this judgement since I have now read the wikipedia pages on both Nietzsche and transhumanism!

Basically, probably not. I think he meant something quite different by the ubermensche. I don’t know what since wikipedia didn’t say.


The abolition of sex

This is my big idea. This is what I’m going on about ALL THE TIME. If you have ever met me you will have heard me go on and on about this. ‘Literally shut up. Shut your mouth. Please.’ is what they say.

Basically, I believe that as soon as it is technologically feasible. Sex should be abolished and that incubation of new humans should take place outside of the body. This is working under the assumption that computers that are better than us are too difficult to build for a while.

In the interests of fairness lets consider some of the counter arguments:

1) Sex is enjoyable. The end aim should be happiness, lets not destroy this source of pleasure.
The act of sex is an arbitrary pleasure, if we have the power to eliminate gender we will have the power to create new and more intense arbitrary pleasures. Alternatively if you really love it that much, we can leave the act and become an asexual race that retains the act for the sake of tradition.

2) Don’t mess with nature. It will always go wrong in the end.
I have no patience for this argument. If this is true then we shouldn’t bother do anything even remotely technological. And anyway, isn’t the distinction between a beaver’s dam and a laptop arbitrary? Control of one’s physical environment is perfectly natural.

3) Sex is needed in order to maintain variation and may fulfill other important and unknown genetic roles.
Yeah, I don’t know about this one. But I see it as coming under the second point. I basically see this as a technological difficulty.

4) In order to achieve this on a large scale. Nazi style eugenics will have to be employed. This can only lead to tragedy.
This is the most serious and interesting criticism and can be made against all of my transhumanist agenda. A model for free market schemes must be put in place.

There are certainly other arguments against it. Please feel free to email your thoughts on the matter.


This blog will be largely concerned with transhumanism, the beautiful possibility and the pathetic reality. As well as the dispicable possibility and the ‘thank god Raph Shirley doesn’t have any real power’ reality.

If you are worried about me becoming an overlord then don’t. Seriously, I am sitting in my boxer shorts eating a donut. There is literally no chance that any of my ideas will have any practical relevance. A recurring theme in technological prophecy is that reality never lives up to the hype.  Just read some of Marvin Minsky’s quotes for proof of this:

“In three to eight years, we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being….a machine that will be able to read Shakespeare, play office politics and tell a joke. At that point the machine will be able to educate itself at fantastic speed. In a few months it will be at ‘genius’ level, and in a few months after that its powers will be incalculable.” 
Marvin Minsky (1970)

By comparison, this is what we actually have.