The gesamtkomödiewerke reading method

This is a psychoanalytic method for tarot reading. It is based on a small number of hard assumptions:

1. Randomly drawn cards do not predict the future in any meaningful sense.
2. A free and superstitious reading of cards can give some insight into psychoanalytic principles of both parties in a reading with two people.

The technique draws on the most fundamental aspects of psychoanalysis. The analysand is to sit comfortably facing away from the analyst. The basic aim is to produce a dream narrative. Three cards should be drawn and revealed from past to future and structured like a story with a beginning, middle, and end. One should think of the process as trying to produce a ten minute short film by David Lynch. After the film has been produced free discussion is permitted to analyse the story using a literary theory approach. Some further points may help:

  • Cards should be read literally. Two swords are two swords. If these were drawn first the story should begin with two swords.
  • A discussion between the two can ensue. Why are there two swords? Where are they? This should not be analysed psychoanalytically until after the story has finished. IT should instead be discussed as a conspiracy between the two. The analysand will be the central character in the dream. The analyst may enter into the dream or not as they wish.
  • How can the first card develop a mystery which might begin to be solved? A basic possibility is the scene of a crime. Another possibility could be a scene the analysand happens upon. A mystery is the basic premise but a detective and a crime is not necessary.
  • The third card should add some finality to the story but leave open some uncertainty to allow further analysis and interpretation after the session.
  • There is nothing superstitious about enjoying a story about supernatural occurrences. Two swords can transform into two cups for instance.
  • The story can take the form of the dream. A good ambiguity can be produced by starting the story with awaking during the night. Try to foster uncertainty regarding the reality of the situation.
  • The two readers should be trying to produce a joint dream. Only after the story which should not be more than ten minutes can we begin to think of meaning.
  • The reading should be relatively fast. If it takes you too long to think of a story you have made a mistake. Spontaneity is key to finding interesting connections.

The gesamtkomödiewerke manifesto

  1. This is a manifesto of failure.
  2. It will succeed if it fails and fail if it succeeds.
  3. In declaring its aims and its aims at completeness it fails necessarily.
  4. The complete work of art is a contradiction. The complete joke doubly so.
  5. It is masculine.
  6. It is defined by masculine failure. A failure to be masculine and therefore successfully masculine.
  7. The negative generates the positive but the positive cannot generate the negative.
  8. Has there not been a great terror cast upon the earth? Do we not tremble in the shadow of a complete irony? And yet it yearns for an impossible completeness.
  9. To break the limit of the infinite in a finite language.
  10. To produce the contradiction in the reader without proof.
  11. To refuse suicide because it is too positive. To remain in the infinite abyss of the negative. To reject the pure unity of death.
  12. Let us continue to fail or die. To continue to live after success is a sin.
  13. Neither the first manifesto nor the last. Merely another failure for the pile.
  14. This is an aging movement. It does not concern the young who do not know the gentle catastrophes of life.
  15. The practitioners must be freed from the tyranny of sexual rank by age, injury, or failure.
  16. It is a metaphysics of sex. It is the contradiction of the erection. The inflation that occurs in the genitals of all humankind as a protocontradiction. A protocontradiction that defines the negative masculinity.
  17. Hypermetadoubledialectics.
  18. It is at odds.
  19. At odds with the world and therefore itself.
  20. It is an incomplete nontotality.
  21. It is a comedy of anxiety.
  22. It is a schizophrenic disjunction of text units.
  23. The I moves around and through it as any word.
  24. The we is the failure of the cogito.
  25. The I is complex and not simple.
  26. The becoming is a failure to be.
  27. It is not finished. We are not born after it was finished. It has not begun.

Tarot reading 26

The Two of Swords

Rider Waite copy.

The Six of Cups

Rider Waite copy.

The Eight of Wands

Rider Waite copy.

The reading

Slay me at this beach. I shall take my own head and not watch! But lovely memories of a kind child overwhelm me with tears. Let me follow the sticks and my destiny. Now is not my time.

Tarot reading 25

The Tower

The attacks on the World Trade Centre in 2001.

The Two of Pentacles

Rider Waite copy.

The Four of Swords

Rider Waite copy

The reading

Nightmare strikes the west. All certainties are turned upside down. History has begun again. So bring the farce. Bring the infinite binary. Then let me die on my sword. What three are against me?

Tarot reading 23

The Seven of Swords

Cut this snake into eight pieces!


The French Revolution brought down the most mighty.

The Five of Wands

My hand! My hand!

The reading

A snake is in my dreams. I must wake up. A vision of a naked woman. My hand is cursed!

Tarot reading 22

The Page of Pentacles

A sweet young boy with a coin in his pocket.

The Three of Swords

Sorrow is the beginning of wisdom – Alastair Crowley.

The Five of Cups

Misery follows sadness

The reading

The boy is not ready for tragedy. Sorrow stalks its prey like a leopard. Crawling in the undergrowth. When it has you there is no escape.

Tarot reading 21

The Eight of Cups

A woman kills herself by jumping off a building and falling on a car. An iconic photograph. Rest in peace Evelyn McHale.

The Queen of Cups

Ophelia dead by drowing suicide.

The Chariot

The top of the Brandenberg gate depicts the bringing of peace into Berlin

The reading

A woman is dead. A second is dead. Both suicides. War is coming to Europe and the whole world quakes.

Tarot reading 20

The Three of Cups

Anton Chekov’s Three Sisters. Lear’s three daughters. A tragic grouping.

The King of Cups

King Henry the Eigth

The Moon

Historically associated with howling wolves and the sexuality of the lobster.

The reading

Why do the three sisters quarrel? The father and patriarch has caused it through avoiding it. Dark sexual forces shall bring tragedy this night.

Tarot reading 19

The Knight of Pentacles

No explanation needed.

The Knight of Swords

I liked them to face each other since they were drawn as a pair.

The Star

Rider Waite plus milk emerging from the nipples.

The reading

A fight! How can one take a coin to a sword fight? He will be killed surely. He holds up the coin and as the swordsman approaches merely says ‘buy me this life’. He is cut down viciously. The dead body looks up at the sky as it takes a last breath. A single star burns into his eye.

Tarot reading 18


Very similar to Rider Waite. Great design.

The Sun


The Seven of Pentacles

Reference to the devil’s smiley face.

The reading

Guilt reeks. Lying in bed after a night of debauchery. The sun shines through the window. Checking my wallet I find just seven coins. I had two hundred last night.

Tarot reading 17

1. The Eight of Pentacles

    A man labours over the coins. Each coin represents one coin time.

    2. The Ace of Swords

    The Sword decapitates the king and takes his crown.

    3. The World.

    When we look upon the world rationally it looks rationally back.

    The reading

    A man is hard at work making horseshoes. There are eight. Can we assume they are for two horses? A masked assassin bursts in and cuts off his head. His cloth cap falls to the floor and reveals a golden coin. The assassin takes the coin but doesn’t realise that it will bring him great misery.

    Tarot reading 8

    1.The Hermit

    He has gold but lives in a world of golden senses.

    2. The Six of Pentacles

    Bill Gates.

    3. The Four of Pentacles

    Jeff Bezos.

    The reading

    The poor wise hermit searching with his lamp. Searching for an honest man in daylight like Diogenes before him. He is not looking for an honest man but a rich man. The excel spreadsheet and the shopping basket full and resplendent with wealth and beauty. I won’t be so trite as to say these are worth nothing. The masters of capital have made fountains of gold.

    Tarot reading 16

    Fifteen blackbirds sitting on a telephone line.

    The Ace of Cups

    Keeping it simple.

    The Lovers

    I knew I would do something pornographic but decided to keep it relatively traditional with a ‘reverse cowgirl’ position taken from a French erotic illustrator.

    The Emperor

    Lacan’s graph of desire overlaid on US president Donald Trump.

    The reading

    An overflowing of emotion wells within me. Where is my lover? What cruelty that we are separated. And in this lustful anxiety a dark master has taken the reigns and put them upon us.

    Tarot reading 15

    Money is the order of the day. A fortnight of deals!

    The Queen of Pentacles

    I had wanted to include Queen Elizabeth II and pentacles seemed a good choice as I wanted to put her on a fifty p coin. Unfortunately i drew her too big so that idea went down the drain.

    The Ace of Pentacles

    The Rider Waite has a hand so I drew my own hand with a coin in it.

    The Ten of Pentacles

    Elon Miusk occurred to me and only later did I realise it was probably because the roman numeral X looks like logo for X.

    The reading.

    Coin rules us all. Queens and thieves both. Take this coin and do what thou wilt!

    Tarot reading 14

    A dangerous number. An unholy number

    The Four of Wands

    Simplicity and balance. A happy marriage.

    The Page of Swords

    Another beautiful boy! Strong but nimble. Running! Jumping! Loving!

    The Four of Cups

    Meditating on the three a fourth appears!

    The reading

    In the ideal life we begin with balance. A leaving ceremony. The boy sets off sword in hand. Finally he finds no adventure so sits under a tree and ponders his past, his present, and his future. In pondering these three a fourth is suggested. A fourth tense?

    Tarot reading 13

    Thee times four. These three are ruled by the master of hell! They must serve him.

    The Page of Wands

    A mere boy full of hope. Simply drawn with a magic hat.

    The Six of Swords

    Taking a boat across a sea to three volcanoes. This boat is not built for seafaring. Will the swords make it.

    The Devil

    The biggest card!? I decided to free draw without reference and use the classic design of a naked man and woman chained to him. I think this is an interesting opposite to love as the divine. Do we taste both heaven and hell in sex?

    The reading

    Hail a beautiful boy has been born. AS he grows he takes his stick with pride and ventures to the woods. Discovering a stream? A pond! A lake! A sea! An ocean! Out of his depth and now a man he spies a beautiful woman. Love blossoms but a great danger is afoot in in this ecstasy.

    Tarot reading 12

    The twin towers. Not the end of history but the beginning!


    I had long ago decided to use the Metallica And Justice for All cover for this.

    The Magician

    The Magician is a great and major arcana. My first thought was a popular magician but I couldn’t think of any apart from Paul Daniels who doesn’t interest me. I decided to just free draw and for some reason Pamela Anderson came to mind. I original drew her with a large erect penis but it looked a little odd so I painted over it in gold.

    The Nine of Pentacles

    The Rider Waite is a pretty woman in a gown. Diana’s wedding came to mind so I used her and put the pentacles in her train.

    The reading

    Guilt rules your dreams. The sword of justice comes for you. But you are saved by wakefulness. The magician offers you a deal. Your wedding day and nine million dollars. But you must also be made immortal. Why tricks are hidden in this offer?

    Tarot reading 11

    Ten fingers of course! Two hands with which to commit acts glorious or evil!

    1. The Two of Cups

    All minor arcana today. The two of cups users the motif of lovers and I have been itching for a pornographic card so here we are. Lesbian lovers perhaps.

    2 The Seven of Wands

    A male fighter. I may simply use a boxer here against all seven wands.

    3 The Five of swords

    Majestic sky. Warrior with three swords and two enemies vanquished.

    The reading

    Lovers at night. Drinking from the cups of life. The cups of love and hate. But there is a masculine violence repressed. The lover failed. Take these seven sticks! Render them in steel. There are five now. I have three so take them off me. But how I wish I could return to that eden of pure loveliness. The vision of two woman that set me on my path.