The gesamtkomödiewerke reading method

This is a psychoanalytic method for tarot reading. It is based on a small number of hard assumptions:

1. Randomly drawn cards do not predict the future in any meaningful sense.
2. A free and superstitious reading of cards can give some insight into psychoanalytic principles of both parties in a reading with two people.

The technique draws on the most fundamental aspects of psychoanalysis. The analysand is to sit comfortably facing away from the analyst. The basic aim is to produce a dream narrative. Three cards should be drawn and revealed from past to future and structured like a story with a beginning, middle, and end. One should think of the process as trying to produce a ten minute short film by David Lynch. After the film has been produced free discussion is permitted to analyse the story using a literary theory approach. Some further points may help:

  • Cards should be read literally. Two swords are two swords. If these were drawn first the story should begin with two swords.
  • A discussion between the two can ensue. Why are there two swords? Where are they? This should not be analysed psychoanalytically until after the story has finished. IT should instead be discussed as a conspiracy between the two. The analysand will be the central character in the dream. The analyst may enter into the dream or not as they wish.
  • How can the first card develop a mystery which might begin to be solved? A basic possibility is the scene of a crime. Another possibility could be a scene the analysand happens upon. A mystery is the basic premise but a detective and a crime is not necessary.
  • The third card should add some finality to the story but leave open some uncertainty to allow further analysis and interpretation after the session.
  • There is nothing superstitious about enjoying a story about supernatural occurrences. Two swords can transform into two cups for instance.
  • The story can take the form of the dream. A good ambiguity can be produced by starting the story with awaking during the night. Try to foster uncertainty regarding the reality of the situation.
  • The two readers should be trying to produce a joint dream. Only after the story which should not be more than ten minutes can we begin to think of meaning.
  • The reading should be relatively fast. If it takes you too long to think of a story you have made a mistake. Spontaneity is key to finding interesting connections.