Tarot reading 4

A fourth reading from the Gesamtkomödiewerke deck.

1. The Six of Wands

The RIder Waite centers around a boy on a horse. I don’t want to draw too many horses so opt instead for a boy standing with a halo and the remaining wands in the background.

2. The King of Wands

The king of wands obviously has the same phallic content as the king of swords but I need a way to distinguish it. I choose to use an obese man and found an image of a man on a tortoise which captures the lizard that we see in the Rider Waite deck.

3. The Eight of Swords

I love the Rider Waite card with a tied up woman and six swords stuck in the ground so I plan to largely reproduce that.
The read

The read

The minor cocks! Six One Nine. Wands Wand Swords. Ride boy to your father and take your mates. He guards mother tied. Down with the patriarch. Spare nothing but give the world freedom!